Coming off the pill. Coming off the pill side effects. Coming off the pill acne. Is coming off the pill a good idea. What happens coming of the pill? Benefits of coming off the pill. Symptoms of coming off the pill.

My Experience Of Coming Off The Pill 

Birth control should be all about choice. Our bodies are all different, so something that works for me might not work for you and vice versa. I personally experienced challenging side effects from the pill; however, I have many friends who have had no side effects and have had a positive experience with hormonal contraception. The best guidance I can give you is to listen to your body and trust your inner guidance on what is the best choice for you. 

I’ve tried multiple different contraceptive pills and the IUD, when I was in my teens. I had a very positive experience with these methods. Although, having the IUD put in was PAINFUL (I think my inability to relax definitely didn’t help though). Yet when I was in my early twenties, I started having serious side effects - big, painful cysts on my chin and extreme mood swings and fits of anger. I’m not sure why these side effects happened at that time in life. 

I can give you so many anecdotes on how I suffered from these side effects - from my boss laughing at how the sun hit one huge cyst on my chin to having a mindless tantrum at 23. After discussing my difficulties with my partner, I decided to go to a sex clinic to discuss having the IUD removed. I was told that the risks of getting pregnant were worth my side effects. After waking up and finding a new incredibly painful cyst on my face a few weeks later, I decided to do what felt right for me and have the IUD removed regardless. 

Having the IUD removed was a really positive experience. I was incredibly nervous going to the GP, but the female doctor was lovely and put me at ease. She removed the IUD in seconds with no pain at all. We then discussed the best contraceptive pill for me. Long story short - the mood swings stopped, and the cysts got smaller but I also experienced severe nausea. So I changed to a different pill and found benefits but also new side effects. 

I decided to come off the pill and all hormonal contraception altogether. I liked the idea of condoms because it felt like me and my partner’s birth control was now a shared experience rather than me suffering from side effects. A strange benefit of this decision was the feeling of discovering how my body worked - I liked experiencing a normal period, and I liked learning about my cycle. The benefits of coming off the pill included an end to my mood swings and cystic acne. I was scared about the symptoms of coming off the pill, but I was prepared, so I didn’t really experience any. I’ve included some tips below on what can help to come off the pill if that's what feels right for you. 


Tips - 

  • I was warned that acne can sometimes get worse from coming off the pill, so I tried Skin + Me. It worked amazingly, and I still use it today. I have maybe 1 or 2 spots a month, and that’s only around my period. Waking up and looking in the mirror spot-free is life-changing (you’ll understand if you suffer from acne). 
  • To replace hormonal contraception, me and my partner started using the app Natural Cycles. I absolutely love it! They provide you with a thermometer that you use each morning to take your basal temperature. By doing so, you discover which days you are fertile and which days you’re not (Green days!). It’s been a wonderful education into the female body and our cycle. I use condoms on the days I am fertile, but you can also abstain for those few days. If you do use condoms, why not have a look at our condoms? If you like them, they are made by women for women and include a sexual self-care guide inside! 
  • Coming off hormonal contraception can also be a great time to explore other alternatives. I decided to try a menstrual cup. There are lots of varieties out there, so don’t be put off if you try it and it’s uncomfortable. It took me a few weeks to find my menstrual cup comfortable, but now I wouldn’t be without it! 
  • Invest in painkillers! When your normal period starts again you remember how bloody painful they are! I always have painkillers at the ready for when my period starts. However, I think your period is a great excuse to remember your self-care practices and give yourself some rest. It’s like an internal reminder that you deserve some time to relax and recover. 

    Other ways to prepare for coming off the pill are taking vitamins (there are vitamins available purely to support women coming off the pill), investing in your health by eating well and taking exercise (yoga has taken over my life) and by being kind to yourself (it can be very nerve-wracking making a decision like this and you don’t have to stick to it, if you find you’d prefer to go back on hormonal contraception then that’s a positive decision). 

    I hope this has helped! I just want to reaffirm that we are not encouraging anyone to come off hormonal contraception, this is just a guide for anyone who thinks it’s the right decision for them. Trust your inner guidance and go with what feels right. Let us know about your experiences by going to the ‘Say Hello’ tab on the homepage.

    Love, Mo (Co-Founder of MyBliss®) x 

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