Image of MyBliss Male Condom

MYBLISS luxury condoms now available

Manchester, August

Sexual wellness brand, MyBliss, founded by 26-year-old Mo Carrier and her fiancé, Joel Birkhead have today announced that their much anticipated luxury condoms are now available. 


“We are so excited to announce that our luxury (male) condoms are now available!” Mo announced. “I can promise you that so much love and care went into the design and creation of each of our products. We really hope you enjoy them.” 

Manchester-based brand, MyBliss was founded because of the belief that contraception should be a shared experience.

In a recent survey, conducted by MyBliss, 49% of women said they would prefer to be on a non-hormonal form of contraception. In a survey conducted by the FemTech company, Natural Cycles, they found that 76% of women had changed contraception method because they were experiencing unwanted side effects.

MyBliss was born from Mo and Joel's decision to change contraception method. Mo had struggled with horrendous side effects from hormonal contraceptives for ten years including painful cystic acne and mood swings. Despite having doctors tell her that not getting pregnant was worth her side effects, Mo and Joel believed that contraception should be a shared experience and so decided to stop using hormonal contraception.

However, when the couple re-entered the condom market what greeted them was a stagnant industry displaying bright coloured and juvenile products completely unsuitable for female consumers. It signified a larger problem; women’s needs were not considered.

MyBliss’s first product is a male condom that is in buttercup packaging, completely unrecognisable as a condom product and instead looks like a coffee pod. They’re designed to be completely discreet and stylish to support a modern woman’s sex life. 

MyBliss condoms are sealed in secure buttercup packaging that looks more like a coffee pod than a condom. The packaging is easy to open when the time is right, and the robust packaging ensures the condoms are in tip top condition.

Every element of the product from packaging to the ingredients inside is made with women in mind. Spermicides, fragrances and lubricants can irritate vaginas, so MyBliss condoms are non-spermicide, fragrance-free and use silicone oil which is loving to female bodies.

MyBliss condoms will be delivered to customers through a subscription service. By doing so, the brand wants to stop the pattern of women being routinely stigmatised and made to feel uncomfortable whilst buying condoms in public. Their service ensures women can confidently receive condoms to their door as frequently as they require.

The subscription service will allow customers to choose how frequently they'd like a delivery and receive up to 30% off every order. MyBliss products will arrive in plain, brown boxes to ensure privacy. 



MYBLISS condoms now available, £12.99 for a one-time purchase or up to 30% off for subscribed members. 

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